•Posted byu/[deleted]1 year ago
My Story as an Anti Circ/Intactavist
Hi all,
I just found this sub and an immensely happy for it. I'm formerly anti circ but came around over the years. I'm here to tell my story.
I was born and raised in Canada. For those of you unfamiliar with circ in Canada, it varies greatly. Places like Alberta, BC and Ontario have higher circ rates than the other provinces and territories. What makes things even more complicated is the variance between cities and neighborhoods. The area I grew up in had a very high circumcision rate (this was a very diverse, multicultural area with lots of asians.)
As a kid, I didn't really think anything of circumcision. Everybody around me was snipped (father, cousins, friends) so I just thought this is how a penis was supposed to look. In hindsight, I had an uncut classmate with really bad phimosis, who was the butt end of many jokes. At the time, we all just thought he had some issue with his penis instead of realizing what circumcision was.
One night when I was about 11 or 12, I heard circumcision mentioned on the TV. Curious about it, I asked my dad what that word meant. He explained how it was a medical procedure that people did for all sorts of reasons including health, cultural and religious.
A few years later, I got into highschool and saw more penis than I had ever seen before. I noticed that some kids had the same sleeve over their penis that my old classmate had. Over time, I came to realize the difference between cut and uncut and that I had been circumcised.
When I started to look online, I encountered some valuable information from reliable websites. But I quickly came across the anti circumcision propaganda. Being a teenager, I was naive and lacking critical thinking skills. I remember stumbling across Yahoo Answers and seeing all the deranged intactavists going on about how horrific circumcision was. It hurt me to read that. I read that all parents who circumcise must be sexual abusers and terrible people. That doctors and nurses who perform the surgery should be sentenced to prison and labeled as sex offenders. The worst part was the cherry picked data. I fell for it and it negatively affected me for years.
After that, I became a little distressed that my parents and family doctor would do something like that to me. I always held them in the highest regard. It shook me because these intactavists seemed so persistent and passionate. I read numerous stories of men who couldn't get erections or orgasm during sex. I was also given frequent material like "sex as nature intended" (which I now know is anti circ propaganda). I didn't know how to respond so I retreated.
I started getting a little more active online, especially as I got older. Now, I would never call myself an intactavist but I was a little bit anti circ. I didn't harass or message people but I was in a couple of groups and forums where it was encouraged. There's a few things that thankfully helped me turn away from the anti circ nutjobs.
The first was the militant attitude on which these people operated. I'm sure I don't need to repeat it for y'all, but these people are batshit crazy. I'm not a psychologist but it became very clear that a number of these people suffered from serious issues. I suspect a large portion of them are on the autism spectrum (nothing wrong with that but it does explain the rigidity and singular focus from some of them.) Everything focused around circ to them. It was circumcision 24/7, 365 and I just couldn't take that anymore. Whenever I would try to talk about something else, they would immediately change the conversation back to circumcision and how it negatively impacted them. It was so depressing to hear the same thing over and over again.
Another thing that frustrated me was the lying. I can say with certainty that anti circ lunatics create dozens of burner accounts to harass people on social media. In fact, it was promoted and encouraged. There were a few individuals who had dozens of accounts where they would roleplay different people (women, RIC man, man who got circ later in life). If you look closely at anti circ stories, they all sound the same - "woman who had previous circ partners and couldn't orgasm but now orgasms all the time with her uncut partner, and man who was cut late in life and hates it since he allegedly lost all sensitivity" are the two most often used. These people used to search circumcision on all the various social media sites and spam any account or post with a positive view of cut dicks. They would post 50 anti circ comments to make it seem like circumcision was unpopular. In reality, it was just 2 or 3 losers with nothing better to do. I saw young moms and dads harassed because they made a tough decision that they felt was in the child's best interests.
Thirdly, the anti semitism and xenophobia in that community is fucking shocking. A lot ended up just hating on Jews and blaming them for everything. Others were a little more discrete but there were still hints of anti semitism. I remember getting piled on because I suggested that banning circ was a terrible policy position especially in a country like the US. Boy oh boy did I ever hear about that one. I was basically ostracized for that. People I talked to on instant chat blocked me and wanted nothing to do with me. My point was that banning circ was not practical and would push the practice underground, thus making things more dangerous for babies.
Finally, the movement is full of creeps. I had a grown man send me pictures of his penis to show me how real and authentic his "restored" foreskin looked. It was gross, to say the least. When they found out I was a teen/young adult, they were way too curious to hear about the circ status of other teen boys my age. Eventually, I just blocked them all and moved on. I'm sure you've all seen that screenshot of Brother K asking to see a baby boys penis. I can totally believe it since intactavists are that fucked up. They are obsessed over young children's private parts, to the point where they'll demand pictures or videos from random strangers. They would straight up ask me if teenage girls my age preferred circumcised guys. It really creeped me out.
What also helped was getting a girlfriend. I was sort of shy, because of my circ, to date and be sexually active. Eventually, I lost my virginity to a wonderful friend of mine. She had previously only had uncut (2 other partners), but me and some other guy were her first cut guys. Sex felt amazing and my partner later told me, out of the blue and without ever talking about circumcision or foreskins, that she greatly preferred cut. According to her, she was able to orgasm much easier and quickly. Plus, oral was much more appealing with a cut penis.
Over time, I had sex with a few other women. I did a trip in Europe with a good buddy. Even over there, I heard from a few girls that circ was rare but sexy. It was really hot hearing that from a society where circ is non existent. Back in Canada, I found that circ was very much preferred, to the point where they'll actually reject uncut (funny enough my nursing friends will not go anywhere near an uncut guy. Get a little alcohol in them and they'll rant about the superiority of cut cocks hahaha).
So now here I am. I'm finally secure and proud of my body. Sex feels great and my circumcised penis has been well received by all the women I've slept with. Looking over the scientific data, I have no clue why anybody could oppose circumcision as vehemently as intactavists do. I see through the bullshit of the studies they use to brainwash and convince naive people like teenage me. Most circumcised men enjoy what they have. I'm not broken or mutilated. I'm glad I see through that now. It took me a while but I feel definitely better about myself.
Since I was once on the "inside" of that movement, I can honestly say that it is a scary place full of deranged and sick people. Almost none have a problem with their penis. Instead, it's all mental. In a way, it's like a cult. Dissent is not tolerated and anybody who questions dogma is thrown out and excommunicated. The people I met were all messed up in some way. A few were genuinely nice people, but they tended to be the mild more/less in your face types. I don't wish ill will on anybody in that movement, but I do hope they get help. I understand why intactavism is popular, thus the need for a good counterbalance. We cannot let lies, falsehoods and delusions win. People are being manipulated to believe this nonsense because we don't have an effective strategy. I'm hoping the tide changes soon. From my time hanging around these people, intactavists love to make others miserable. It's all about bringing other men down and making them feel worthless and inadequate. They especially prey on the weak and vulnerable (hence why the movement is popular online but non existent in real life.)
Anyways, it feels great to get this off my back. I spent a few years in the community, exploring things like foreskin restoration and such. I'm glad to be out and even happier to have been circumcised. I'm not sure if anyone else has a story like mine but I would love to hear from you regardless.
·1 yr. ago·edited 1 yr. ago
Welcome. Glad to have you here. Please redress the balance and get out there and post your story in as many places as you can.
Everything you said about the anti-circ movement is 100% spot on as far as my experience goes too.
Parents hate their children (especially mothers) and have them 'mutilated' as a form of control.
The medical industry is involved in a massive cover up and pushes circumcision for the sole reason of making money.
New parents are too stupid/weak minded/confused to have any ability to make their own decisions (although they were able to decide to have a child) and just go along with what the evil doctors tell them.
The nasty Jews are controlling the world.
The nasty Muslims are somehow also involved.
Anyone who's been circumcised is unable to experience pleasure.
Anyone who's been circumcised cannot have an orgasm.
Women with circumcised partners truly do not understand how much pain they're in whenever they're having sex. If only they should be lucky enough to fall over a foreskin, then and only then would they understand how good sex can be.
Circumcised men, subconsciously furious at the horrors perpetrated upon them, lash out in violence, often without understanding why. Just look at what's happening in Israel this week. Do you think the Palestinians and Israeli's would be shooting rockets at each other if they were uncircumcised? Of course not.
Babies don't make much noise when they get circumcised. It's not because of the anaesthesia (that has been legally mandated for decades), it's because THEY'RE IN SHOCK!!! (despite a roomful of medical people standing around presumably so lacking in training/experience they can't recognise this).
Your parents (in addition to hating you) have NO RIGHT to make decisions about your health, your body, or your psyche, ever, and at all. Amen. You think you're happy? No you're not. Imagine how joyful your life would be had you been allowed from infancy to make every decision you wanted to about your health. Coca Cola instead of breast milk! Shame on your parents for being so presumptuous they made a decision for you. Indeed, they probably made many decisions for you while you were a baby. Is this what they mean by 'enabling'? Why couldn't they have just left you alone to develop as nature intended? SHAME on your parents for being so overinvolved. Oh - and they hate you.
every man who posts something positive about circumcision online is on day release from the local psychiatric institution and is obviously off his meds. He's psychotic.
every woman who expresses a preference for a circumcised partner is not really a woman, just a psychotic man posing as one in his deluded fantasy world in a vain but sad attempt to make himself feel better.
by the way, do you really understand how much your parents hated you to do this to you?
there is no such thing as circumcision anywhere in the developed world except in the ass backwards USA. It is unknown. Go to Australia, they've never heard of it. Go to the UK - it's only Prince Charles and his brothers who've been circumcised (because, you know, the royals are weird). Actually, if you're from Canada you're probably lying because nobody there is circumcised either. You should just go back to your mental hospital and stop malingering.
African HIV studies are completely irrelevant to the discussion, because they're wrong. Just.... wrong.
African HIV studies are completely irrelevant to the discussion, because people in Africa are not the same as people in the USA. They're black, you see, and black people aren't the same as us. They have different penises, so whatever 'results' the science is reflecting from there have no relevance for us.
African people also don't understand hygiene. Dirty African people! Just as bad as the evil Jews.
By the way, your parents hated you. You realise this don't you? Your mother hates men and this is how she expressed that - by having you circumcised.
Circumcision was only ever brought into the USA by the Cornflakes guy to stop guys from masturbating. You think you've ever jerked off before? Wrong! You're not physically able to. Thank Mr Kellog. If it hadn't been for him, the WHOLE OF THE USA, would be getting nothing done, just sitting around like the cultured Europeans masturbating furiously all day every day. Why do you think Italians have siesta? It's so they can experience all the wonderful pleasure their foreskins can give them. (no European even understands the word circumcision. They think it means CUTTING THE PENIS OFF!!)
There is no such thing as a prophylactic medical benefit to removing tissue that could become cancerous. It doesn't exist. You know, if you have a skin scan and the dermatologist removes a precancerous lesion? That wasn't actually anything at all - just a way to make money.
You know how some people are told they had polyps removed during a colonoscopy? Didn't happen. That's just the medical industry making money in their giant conspiracy. (Was probably an evil jewish doctor too).
There are more pleasure receptors in a human foreskin than in the entire continental United States altogether. Didn't know that did you? Know why? Because your mother hates you.
At least be happy that you're eligible to compete in the Paralympics in Tokyo this year. As an amputee without a fully functioning body, you have your pick of events. Me? I'm going up against the armless swimmers in the 100m Freestyle. Without my sadly amputated foreskin weighing me down, I'm a shoe-in for the gold. See you there.
(it pains me to do this, but I will anyway. This post was obviously made in jest, to be satirical. I have great love for my African friends, my jewish friends and my muslim friends. I have great love for my parents and much respect for all parents around the globe. I wish all my brothers and sisters battling psychiatric illness the very best of luck and much strength - it is not easy to have mental health issues. And Canadians are awesome. In fact, I'm pretty chill and happy and just have a tiny corner of my heart reserved for hating the anti-circers who might see this and try and get me banned. They can fuck right off.)
(oh - and good luck to all paralympians going to Tokyo this year. Stay safe, compete well and have fun. You guys are inspirational. I love you too and wasn't making fun of you. At all.)
·1 yr. ago·edited 1 yr. ago
Thank you for your comment.
I found it to be hilarious and frankly anyone who tries to get this banned needs to lighten up.
Despite the satirical tone in your comment, I found myself relating to it. I couldn't wrap my head around this idea that my parents, along with many other parents I know were bad, horrible people because they decided to circumcise their sons. I have a wonderful friend who works as a special education teacher. She's dedicated her whole life to helping those with significant challenges. She had a child a few years ago and decided to circumcise. In no way is she a bad person. But according to the people I used to associate with, she should be branded a criminal and placed on the sex offender registry. I understand there are debates and discussions surrounding this issue, and I respect anybody who chooses not to circumcise their son, but I hate this attitude that anybody who disagrees with the intactavist position, must be labelled as a "mutilator" and harassed by keyboard warriors.
And nothing I encountered or figured out in real life was matching up with the intactavist crowd online. I know numerous females and gay guys who have experience with uncut but they still vastly prefer cut. Hell, a majority of women on dating sites have expressed a preference for circumcised. According to intactavists, they are either crazy or brainwashed. But how is that possible when these women come from a non circumcising culture/background and have experienced both cut and uncut?
The simple fact of the matter is that circumcision has been practiced for thousands of years. It's an essential ritual for various cultures, ethnicities and religions. If it was so bad, I fail to see why men have routinely passed it down for centuries. Not to mention, the vast majority of circumcised males out there have no issue with their lack of foreskin.
Quite frankly, I can't understand why an adult man would spend countless hours of their life, dedicated to this issue. If you take a step back, it sounds somewhat creepy. Harassing people online, creating fake burner accounts, appearing at protests all over North America in red stained pants. Just reeks of self victimization to the highest degree.
Life's a lot better on the other side. It's great to feel safe and secure with my body. No wonder intactavists are so unhappy. Must be a miserable experience, sitting around all day being angry about a little lack of skin. The more I think about it, the crazier it seems and the more embarrassed I get that I actually believed that nonsense!
I'm definitely open to posting this elsewhere. Any suggestions?
·1 yr. ago
I would say to be careful where you post this to avoid getting flamed. Depending on the nature or scale of the response, it might actually be counterproductive (i.e. if so many anti-circumcision extremists draw attention to it that they're able to turn your post into a promotion of their bullshit).
To be honest, when I would post stuff related to this subject in other Subreddits, I would do it with the intention of pissing people off - part of why I made this Subreddit, because it's a way to prevent the freaks from raping every message they find.
Bear in mind, though, this is Reddit. Finding a Subreddit that isn't affected by braindead anti-circumcision leaning Moderators who allow their biases to get in the way, or obsessive anti-circumcision activists, will be not easy. Reddit is just a dumb place. That's the truth here.
Regardless, I'm going to think on where it would be best for you to share your story.
·1 yr. ago·edited 1 yr. ago
Thanks for your comment and apologies for the late reply.
Yes, I agree with you. Reddit is a hive mind when it comes to this subject. It's even spilled into other subs that have nothing to do with circ. It's exactly what I mentioned in my original post, that intactavists cast a wide net so they can publicize their views (which you rightly noticed).
There's a few right, conservative leaning subs that seem supportive of circ but that's it. Most of reddit is a left wing (not even liberal) echo chamber. Nevertheless, I'm always open to spreading my story. I suspect lots of people are just too scared to speak up. Self censorship in 2021 is a hell of a thing.
·1 yr. ago
Actually most intactivists are BLM, Anti religious, anti semetic and Islamophobic retard athiests with no where to go.
·1 yr. ago
·1 yr. ago
Thank you. Feels good to get this off my chest.